Enhance Your Life with TOTOz Open Zone Living

3 min read
March 28, 2022 by
Oz Living Services, Inc.

A special economic zone is an area in a country that is subject to different economic regulations than other regions within the same country. Taxes are lower, government processing is faster, and regulation is lighter thereby offering a business friendly environment to any who operate within the rules of the ecozone. Ecozones serve as an entry point for pioneering projects and businesses.

There are around 5,400 ecozones that exist in over 140 economies with over 500 new ecozones added per year. Although these zones provide regulatory cover and lower taxes, they lack the infrastructure and capability to provide credit, capital and a larger market to the businesses and projects that operate within.

Leveraging on the strengths of the crypto community Oz provides capital, credit, and community in exchange for privacy-protection, regulatory cover and tax-free operation to its members. Ultimately, it aims to democratize ecozone benefits that otherwise would have been exclusively available to the ultra wealthy or available to medium to large scale enterprises.

Through Oz’s token structure and custom staking agreements via its wallet, Oz is able to simplify the onboarding process by individuals and corporations to ecozones making accessible all zone benefits to individuals who wish to participate. Tokens are structured to be recognized as investment into participating ecozones, thereby granting the individual the same benefits that would have normally been granted to high net-worth individuals or mid to large scale corporations.

Oz’s first ecozone network participant is the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) via GlobalTradeX, located at the center of Asia within the Philippines, a couple of hours away from its capital, Metro Manila. This partnership sets the stage for global execution democratizing ecozone benefits thereby making it available to virtually anyone. It also sets the stage for all subsequent ecozone partnerships with the intent to create a common standard across all zones globally.

The Oz team is led by Chief Strategist Jin Gonzalez, Capital Markets Expert Ramon C. Garcia Jr., Tech Operations Expert Marco R. Urera, Tech Mastermind Lim Hui Jie, Ecosystem Architect Vincent Choy, and Ecozone Specialist Jonathan Shek. Each is a recognized expert in his chosen field.

In order to gain access to Oz’s network of ecozones, TOTOZ holders are required to stake their tokens for a minimum number of years to receive Open Zone benefits. The token is pegged to a fixed-dollar rate based on two simple packages: Individual and Corporation.

TOTOZ’s supply is capped at 8 quadrillion and it has unique tokenomics that reduces the supply of the tokens while increasing demand for its use; which is agnostic to price changes in the individual token, creating a perfect storm event for value increases.

Oz’s roadmap sets the stage for Dapp-enabled living. Scheduled for launch is the Oz Blockchain Protocol, a bonding curve to accelerate community growth, and DeFi services to provide capital and credit to the ecozones, and Metaverse/NFT enabled real estate projects within partner ecozones.

Oz is designed to capture the full potential of decentralization by merging blockchain technology and crypto projects with real-world applications that have the potential to fundamentally benefit the members it serves.

Find out more: https://oz.finance/

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Reference: https://medium.com/@ozliving/enhance-your-life-with-totoz-open-zone-living-5762e6964220