How does Oz Living work?
At Oz Living, we specialize in bespoke solutions for asset protection, tax structuring, and securing residency, tailored specifically to the unique needs of our clients. Our approach ensures your assets are safeguarded and your residency needs are met, all within your existing financial framework.
Our experienced team provides comprehensive guidance through the setup and long-term management of your asset protection structures.
With Oz Living, you gain peace of mind and a clear path to securing your future.
Our Mission
At Oz Living, our core commitment lies in safeguarding you and your assets, coupled with a strategic focus on maximizing your tax savings. We dedicate ourselves to delivering personalized, effective solutions that secure your financial well-being.
Our Vision
We envision a world where individuals have the freedom and capacity to live life on their own terms. Through our services, we aim to create an environment that empowers our clients to achieve this level of autonomy and fulfillment, making financial security and personal freedom accessible to all.
Take your first step to freedom with OzLiving
At Ozliving, we provide our clients with simple solutions to realize a privacy-protected, light-regulation, tax-reduced life.
Life Planning
We provide basic consultation to prioritize your current needs to establish a roadmap to you achieving a privacy-protected, light regulation tax-free life.
Managed Services
Here is where you get to hit two birds with one stone. You are assigned a dedicated virtual assistant who will facilitate all your submissions and manage your onshore and offshore business and personal requirements. This comes with a full-suite business management platform that allows you to administer your growing local and international interests, as well to recruit and manage an international workforce to leverage the skills and cost benefits of an offshore team.
Asset Protection
Here is where the service pays for itself. A trust and a tax-free operating company is setup to manage your business and personal interests. You are also provided a playbook that your accountant and your lawyer can use to book transactions in the most tax-optimized manner between yourself and the structure setup for you. Our goal is the tax savings are designed to pay for itself.
Residency and Citizenship
This is your ultimate bug-out bag where you get to get perpetual residency. Your international residency or citizenship is processed via secure investments into high interest bearing investment instruments.Your residency serves as your bugout bag for you and your family.
Your Life with Oz
At Oz Living, we specialize in structuring your assets and corporate entities to ensure that legally, you own nothing and control nothing, yet you maintain access to everything.
This unique arrangement affords you absolute freedom, enabling you to build and manage your wealth without worry or hesitation.

How is Oz Different?
Multiple layers of protection
You can rest knowing that your assets are protected by up to three layers of separation of corporations and trusts in various jurisdictions.
Manage moving forward
We dont just leave you with a structure. We provide the management, staff, and technology to ensure that your entities are managed fitting into your existing cost of operation.
Cost Competitive
We offer a simplified, one-size-fits-most solution setting us apart from other similar services available in the market.
We recognize that each individual has unique needs, and we are able to tailor packages to suit your specific needs.
No stay requirement
You can manage your entire operation and residency without any stay requirements.
Easy setup
The entire structure takes 2 to 3 months to complete. This includes residency should you decide to take advantage of that.
Get in touch with us
Start living better.